9 Reasons to Upgrade your Mailfence Account Today

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If you’re a Mailfence free plan user, you might ask yourself, “why should I upgrade to a premium plan when secure and private email Mailfence offers so much for free?” It’s right, our Free plan offers 500 MB of storage, which is a lot, and all encryption and digital signing functionalities. However, you might want to consider these 9 reasons to upgrade to a paid plan today.

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Mailfence - Get your free, secure email today.

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Reason #1: Upgrade to get access to standard protocols.

Our Premium plans give you access to the IMAP4, POP3 and ActiveSync protocols. With these protocols, you can use your Mailfence account in local email clients like Thunderbird or Outlook. You can also configure your account on your Android or iPhone smartphone or tablet.

Reason #2: Upgrade to a paid plan to use a custom domain name

This is one of the most common reasons why people upgrade to a paid account. It’s no mystery why. Whether using Mailfence with your business, your family or on your own, a custom domain for your mail is always a great idea.

Your domain name is the first thing people see about your brand. In addition, you are not stuck with one provider if you use your own domain for email. At any given moment, you can migrate your domain to another provider, without informing all your contacts that you have a new address, since the address remains the same. There are many more reasons to create an email address with a custom domain. Plus, you can easily add a custom domain to your account.

Reason #3: Do more with your mailbox.

The Entry, Pro, and Ultra plans offer aliases, which allow you to create and manage several email addresses corresponding to your Mailfence account. Additionally, you can also use message filters to allow and block specific sender address/domain. Filters can also be used for automatic forwarding and organizing all inbound messages in your mailbox.

Reason #4: Leverage the group capabilities of Mailfence Groups.

Mailfence is also a collaborative suite allowing you to share and organize your private and professional life. It is done through powerful productivity tools such as the Mailfence Calendar, Documents, Contacts, Polls, and Chat.

But did you know that with our paid plans, you can create Mailfence Groups in order to share your data with family or colleagues in a secure way? Sounds interesting? Discover the group collaboration capabilities of Mailfence Groups. Members of the same group can easily access their shared documents, contacts, and mailbox.

Reason #5: Get access to our 7/7 Premium Support.

Upgrading to a premium version also gives you direct access to our Premium Support service team. Their mission is to make sure you are a satisfied customer who stays with us for many years. We regularly receive positive feedback about our Support.

Reason #6: Mailfence is one of the most secure and private email providers.

We have been featured on numerous sites and blogs as one of the most secure and private email solutions on the internet. Check out the online reviews for Mailfence in case you want to hear it from third-party sources.

Reason #7: We support the fight for electronic freedom and privacy.

We cannot win the fight for email privacy and electronic freedom alone, but only by building a global movement of citizens, technology providers and NGO’s working together. That is why we donate 15% of our Ultra plan annual revenues to support the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the European Digital Rights Foundation (EDRi). These organizations are among the leading non-profit organizations defending civil liberties in the digital world.

Reason #8: Upgrading costs only 3.5 EUR per month.

At just 3.5 EUR per month for the Entry subscription, Mailfence.com is an incredible value. Consider it this way: for less than the cost of a cappuccino from Starbucks, you’ll gain access to all the advantages of our premium plans. We also offer discounts for long term subscriptions.

Reason #9: Upgrade to a paid plan because the best time to reclaim your privacy is right now.

If your online privacy matters to you, you need many functionalities to protect your data and avoid the constant routine profiling of Big Tech. Mailfence is a unique email solution offering end-to-end encryption, digital signatures, and other tools to help you keep your data personal. Despite their technical nature, all have been designed to be very simple to use.

Ready to take the plunge to get more features, be more productive, and look more professional? Just go to your account settings, click on “subscriptions”, and select the appropriate paid plan, depending on your storage needs.

If you’re a business, you can opt for a tailored plan. Feel free to contact us so that we can customize it to your needs.

Reclaim your email privacy.
Create your free and secure email today.
Picture of Patrick De Schutter

Patrick De Schutter

Patrick is the co-founder of Mailfence. He's a serial entrepreneur and startup investor since 1994 and launched several pioneering internet companies such as Allmansland, IP Netvertising or Express.be. He is a strong believer and advocate of encryption and privacy. You can follow @pdeschutter on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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