Online Privacy

Privacy is a right, not a feature.

FISA 702

An Open Letter Against FISA Section 702

UPDATED: FISA Section 702 has been pulled after intense backlash from the general public. Read more here. Today, US lawmakers are set to decide on a bill called the FISA “Reform” Bill, officially known as

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What is your Digital Footprint?

According to a recent cybersecurity study, a staggering 91% of cyberattacks begin with an email. Considering emails store a lot of your data, this highlights the critical role they play in our digital lives and

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eprivacy regulation

What is the ePrivacy Regulation all about?

We are already living in the future. Humans attacking robots, fridges leaking your passwords, mattresses that can tell you if your partner is cheating on you.  There are even dolls listening to your children and

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alternatives to google

How To Degoogle Your Life

Sure, Google is convenient, with their various services all connected and free! But Google tracks you every time you use their services, and you probably use several of them. Google allows you to freely use

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