Online Privacy

Privacy is a right, not a feature.


10 Killer Ways to Protect Your Computer and Smartphone

In today’s world, it’s becoming increasingly important to know how to protect your computer and devices. Phishing attempts, ransomware, trojan horses … Cyber threats are becoming more present and more sophisticated. And without the right


Symmetric Encryption: The Easiest Way to Encrypt an Email

Symmetric encryption is a core concept in cryptography. In a nutshell, symmetric encryption uses a single key for both encrypting and decrypting data. While that may sound complex, it’s actually really simple! You don’t need

mailfence openpgp

13 OpenPGP Must-Know Tips for Secure Key Management

End-to-end encryption, and more specifically OpenPGP, is an essential part of what we do here at Mailfence. However, OpenPGP encryption isn’t always straightforward, and proper key management remains a challenge. So in this guide, we

CSA regulation

CSA Regulation Open Letter: NO to Client-Side Scanning!

Today, Mailfence and other privacy-first companies publish their Open Letter regarding the proposal for a regulation on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). Here below is the joint letter initiated by Tuta, which Mailfence and other privacy-focused