Mailfence strives to make the internet a safer place. That’s why we developed our encrypted email solution. But in our opinion just offering secure and private email is not sufficient. Otherwise our users would need to use insecure solutions to manage their appointments, create and store their files or chat online. That is why Mailfence is much more than secure email. Mailfence allows you to organize your life through powerful productivity tools such as Mailfence Calendar, Mailfence Documents, Mailfence Contacts, Mailfence Groups, Mailfence Chat and Mailfence Polls. Furthermore in this post you will discover how to backup or share your contacts with Mailfence Contacts, our private and secure contact management software.
What is Mailfence Contacts?
Mailfence Contacts is a powerful private and secure contact management software that allows you to backup, store and share contacts.
With Mailfence Contacts you can:
- Manage and store your personal contacts.
- Share your contacts with members of Mailfence Groups.
- Access and manage your online contacts on your smartphone, tablet or computer via protocols such as CardDAV and Exchange ActiveSync.

You can use Mailfence Contacts with any browser but also through the contacts app of your device.
What are the main features of Mailfence contact management software?
You can use Mailfence Contacts as a personal contact management software. Main features are:
- Create a new contact
- Add a comment on a contact
- Tag a contact
- Search in your contacts based on the content of the contact or the tag
- Attach a document to a contact
- Check the data of the contact by sending a validation email to the contact
- Send a mail, SMS or fax by clicking on the respective telephone number or email address
- Import contacts from following formats: MS Outlook, CSV (Comma-Separated Values), vCard, LDIF, Google contacts
- Export contacts to following formats: vCard (2.1), vCard (3.0),vCard(MS Outlook), CSV (Comma-Separated Values), PDF
- Make a list of contacts to send messages to lists of contacts
For setup and exact settings, please check our knowledge-base and documentation.
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