Mailfence Release Notes November 2021

Laptop screenshot of Mailfence secure and private email service

We’re happy to present the Mailfence Release Notes November 2021 with several improvements, and fixes.

New Features

  • Messages:
    • OpenPGP:
      • Support for Web Key Directory protocol (WKD) to fetch and serve public keys.
      • Support for Validating Key Server (instead of SKS based servers):
        • If the public key cannot be fetched using WKD protocol.
        • For uploading public keys to public key server, fetching public key for existing key status check (expiration, revocation) and verifying signatures.
    • IMAP Server:
      • Support for APPENDLIMIT Extension.
      • Support for sending of updated CAPABILITY response code in the tagged OK response as part of a successful authentication.
    • Email signature:
      • Choice to place automatic or manual signature before or after the original message.
    • Email addresses can be moved inside To/CC/BCC field using drag-and-drop function.


  • Messages:
    • Sending: Forward/Reply/Reply-all: Remote content is not loaded if not explicitly allowed at the message viewing time.
    • Sending: DKIM signing issue of messages with all recipients in CC is fixed.
    • Message composer: Auto-suggestion function of email addresses in To/CC/BCC field is improved.
    • Email reading pane: Issue of broken layout of some HTML emails is fixed.
    • Message reading pane: URL parsing is improved.
    • IMAP Server: Handling of APPEND command is improved.
    • IMAP Server: Multipart extension data is added to BODYSTRUCTURE.
    • ActiveSync: Improvements are made to address invalid sync key problem.
    • OpenPGP: Signature verification is improved.
    • Password encryption: Issue of inaccessibility of emails with no expiration date is fixed.
    • External addresses: IMAP: Search results are shown by default in descending order using date.
    • Message composer: Issue with sending SMS using @SMS in uppercase is fixed.
    • Password reset emails now include requestor IP address details.
    • Exception when trying to view shared mailbox quota is fixed.
    • Deletion of accounts using admin console is improved.
    • Accounts created using admin console can utilize domain name adding function.
    • Alias with domain can be added if primary address is based on custom domain.
  • Documents:
    • Tags: Search indexing is improved.
    • Download using direct or public access link: Document name encoding issue is fixed.
    • External storage: Dropbox: Several improvements have been made (use of new API, blank page after setup fix, etc).
    • External editor: Zoho: Several improvements have been made (use of new API, .ppt file edit error fix, etc).
  • Calendars:
    • Meeting notifications by email include concerned .ics attachment.
    • Event creation: Start and end-time default difference is improved.
    • Participants included after the event creation now receives invitation by email.
  • Contacts:
    • CardDAV Server: ‘addressbook’ as field value is included in DAV response header.
  • Settings:
    • Messages: General: Format: Rich-text is set as the default mode.
  • Search: Several improvements have been made (e.g., indexing of tags, etc).
  • Account registration via Thunderbird: Several improvements have been made.
  • Various security improvements have been made.

Mobile screen app (PWA)

  • Calendar: Several textual improvements have been made.
  • TFA enabled accounts: Account sign-in redirect (to homepage) issue is fixed.
  • Loading speed (or hang) issue in accounts with multiple sub-folders is fixed.
  • Confirmation prompt is displayed before closing the comment box.

Extra notes regarding Release Notes November 2021

  • Announcement: To protect our users from identity impersonation attacks, and our service from abuse, we have decided to forbid deletion of Mailfence domain name based alias addresses. This change will apply on 01-Jan-2022. Please make necessary changes (if needed) before that date. Alias addresses based on your own domain will not be impacted.
  • Renaming of primary address using admin console is no longer allowed due to anti-abuse reasons.
  • Security bug was fixed immediately after it got reported by April Rose Alvarado. We thank the reporter for notifying us.


  • Backend release 4.8.039b.
  • Frontend release 2.7.029.
  • PWA release 1.1.017.

Check our previous Release Notes and feel free to report any found bugs/queries/suggestions, related to our release notes November 2021, to support(at)

Follow us on twitter/reddit and keep yourself posted at all times.

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