9 Reasons to Upgrade your Mailfence Account Today

screenshot of mailfence email user interface

If you’re a Mailfence free plan user, you might ask yourself, “why should I upgrade to a premium plan when secure and private email Mailfence offers so much for free?” It’s right, our Free plan offers 500 MB of storage, which is a lot, and all encryption and digital signing functionalities. However, you might want […]

What is Email Spoofing and How to Spot it?

Email spoofing is a cyberattack in which a malicious actor impersonates a legitimate sender. They hide their identity by sending an email from a fake email address. They trick you into believing the email address is genuine. How does it work, and how to spot and prevent email spoofing? Let’s have a look. What is […]

Business Data: Protect Your Company From Data Spying

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Ever since Snowden’s revelations, we’re all aware our digital data are not safe by default. The risk is not limited to states and governments. In particular, other companies may want to know certain confidential information about you. Some may even be willing to pay a fortune for that information, even if it means engaging in […]

Harden Your Mailfence Account

Mailfence offers a secure and private collaborative suite, and all user accounts are protected through standard security and privacy measures (check our high-level security analysis for more information). However, as ever with any other digital system, we are engaged in a race against cyber pirates. Unfortunately, the weakest link in the security chain is people. […]

eEvidence Open Letter

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What can we do when the decision makers make mistakes and actually harm online and democratic freedoms? We assemble and join our strengths with other companies, groups, or stakeholders. With this eEvidence Open Letter, we address policymakers and ask for stronger protection of free speech and privacy. The current situation is not meant to protect […]

What is the ePrivacy Regulation all about?

We are already living in the future. Humans attacking robots, fridges leaking your passwords, mattresses that can tell you if your partner is cheating on you.  There are even dolls listening to your children and social networks experimenting with your moods. What should the “digital future” look like in terms of privacy? That’s what the […]

User data security, privacy, and anonymity

Security, privacy, and anonymity are three concepts crucial to Mailfence. Our email suite has been designed to take all three into account, making it a unique solution. We also believe each of them should be a concern to you, even to varying degrees. But in some instances, they may overlap, and it can be tricky […]

Why are Hackers Targeting Small Businesses and How to Protect Yours

Why do hackers target SMEs? Cybercriminals indeed attack them more often than large companies. Read this article and find out why pirates target small businesses, and, more importantly, how to protect your SME. 3 Main Reasons Hackers Target Small Businesses More There are several reasons why pirates target small businesses, but for the most part, […]

Social Engineering: What is Scareware?

Scareware is a social engineering technique that aims to scare the victim into believing they have a virus on their device and should buy or download specific software. As many social engineering techniques. It’s based on human emotions, as it is used to scare someone and trick them into downloading malware. What is Scareware? If […]

How to protect your privacy online with our 6 tips

mailfence online privacy

Do you believe in the privacy of your online activities? If you don’t take any specific measures, nothing you do on the Internet is secret. Certain online service providers track everything you do online and sell it to advertisers, allowing them to bombard you with targeted advertising. You also have good reasons to fear stalkers, […]