7 Biggest Email Security Mistakes To Avoid

email security mistakes

When it comes to email, there are plenty of email security mistakes that new users tend to make and that bad actors like hackers and scammers can abuse. However, even experienced users also can underestimate the importance of some simple tips to follow. Here are the 7 biggest email security mistakes and what you should […]

Top 5 Ways To Prevent Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware is software developed to scramble infected computer systems, computers, tablets, or smartphones screen content or files so that data become unreadable. Hackers can then claim a ransom to unlock them. Last year, the number of such attacks tended to decline. But at the beginning of this year, there was an absolute explosion of this […]

What Is A Zombie Computer And How To Prevent It?

“Zombie” is the term used when an attacker takes control of your computer without your knowledge. A zombie attack aimed either to steal your sensitive information or to make your computer do things that it normally shouldn’t. For example, a hacker could use your device to send out spam or, even worse, to attack other […]

Steps To Take When Your Email Is Hacked

Think your email account may have been hacked? Most of us use email so often and from so many machines that it might be hacked one day. But don’t panic. Even if having your privacy invaded is extremely disturbing, it is possible to limit the damage and prevent future hacking attempts. Here are some simple […]

Virtual Machine: What Is It And Why Use It?

A virtual machine is another practical method to improve your security and privacy by protecting your device (computer, server) from many cyber threats, preventing it from getting compromised. But don’t worry! While it sounds very technical, it’s actually quite simple, and we made our tips straightforward and accessible. What’s a virtual machine? A virtual machine […]

Mailfence Release Notes July 2022

Ipad screenshot of Mailfence secure and private email service

We’re happy to present the Mailfence Release Notes July 2022 with several improvements, and fixes. New Features Improvements Mobile screen app (PWA) Extra notes regarding Release Notes July 2022 Version Check our previous Release Notes and feel free to report any found bugs/queries/suggestions, related to our release notes July 2022, to support[at]mailfence[dot]com. Follow us on twitter/reddit and keep […]

What is OpenPGP?


OpenPGP is one of the standard protocols for encryption/signature of data. It is the most widely used email encryption standard. It’s also one of the ways Mailfence provides security and privacy for its users across the globe. OpenPGP and Privacy Concerns If you ask folks today are they concerned over the use of their data […]

Mailfence knowledge base: SSL/TLS certificate

mailfence ssl tls certificate

This blog post provides details over the SSL/TLS certificate for the Mailfence knowledge base (KB). A modern browser should automatically check the validity of the Mailfence KB SSL/TLS certificate and alert you if it detects something untrustworthy. In case an adversary succeeds in spoofing Mailfence KB website (using a rogue SSL certificate), you will be […]