Tips To Protect Your Devices When Travelling

Our smartphones, computers, tablets, and other electronic gadgets are so much a part of our daily lives that it is now inconceivable not to take them with us when travelling abroad. But hackers have figured it out. Now airports, train stations, and hotels have become popular places to launch cyber attacks. That’s why you need […]

Protect Your Data When Crossing Borders

protecting data

Anyone who has travelled to the United States will know how seriously border security is taken. In recent years, Customs & Border Protection (CBP) agents have been increasingly searching travellers’ electronic media. As our digital devices usually contain our most private information, you might want to think twice before a situation where someone could request […]

7 Tips To Keep Your Email Account Secure

Most people send emails every day. Therefore, protecting your email account is a must. Especially when you know that emails are the favourite way for hackers to access your data. In case you’re looking for a private email account or a way to secure your account, this will interest you. We’ve gathered the best tips […]

Top 5 Bad Password Habits

bad password habits

Less than 1 second : that’s how long it will take for a fairly savvy hacker to crack the password “qazwsxedc”. So, more than ever, you need to avoid bad password habits to secure all your accounts online. To help you to spot them, we’ve compiled a list of bad password habits.   Unfortunately, 2021 statistics show […]

12 Tips On How To Protect Your Data

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of cyber attacks on organizations and individuals has exploded. It is therefore more important than ever to keep your data and your privacy online safe. Here are some tips to protect your personal data online. 1 – Remember physical security First of all, the quickest way […]

11 Password Best Practices To Keep Your Accounts Secure

How well do you remember your passwords? If you’re like most people, you probably keep forgetting passwords. You might be guilty of reusing the same password on different accounts, or creating weak passwords. In this article, we’ll go over 11 password best practices that you should start implementing now to not only be able to […]

Social Engineering: What is Vishing?

vishing social engineering attack

Vishing is a combination of “voice” and “phishing”. It refers to phishing scams done over the phone. Individuals are tricked into revealing critical financial or personal information during seemingly trustworthy phone calls. Another form of phishing is smishing which uses SMS to phish you. What is vishing? Vishing is a specific form of Social Engineering, […]

Social Engineering: What is Smishing?

smishing social engineering attack

Smishing is a social engineering attack using phishing techniques, but sent by text message instead of email. The name is a combination of SMS and phishing. In this post, you’ll discover how to recognize smishing attacks and some advice to protect you against it. What’s smishing? Smishing (a portmanteau word made of the expressions SMS […]

Mailfence signups surge after CTemplar shut down

surge in user profiles icon

A surge in new users for the secure email suite, Mailfence. A swell of new users are signing up for the encrypted email suite Mailfence which is operated from privacy-friendly Belgium. Since the beginning of the year, Mailfence registered three times as many new users as in previous months. There are two likely explanations for […]

Social engineering: Quid Pro Quo attacks

quid pro quo social engineering attack

Quid pro quo is a kind of social engineering attack where a hacker promises a profit in exchange for information that can later be used to steal money, data, or take control of a user account on a website. What is a Quid Pro Quo attack? A quid pro quo attack is characterized by a […]