Email Security

Encryption is the answer.


What is Email Spoofing and How to Spot it?

Email spoofing is a cyberattack in which a malicious actor impersonates a legitimate sender. They hide their identity by sending an email from a fake email address. They trick you into believing the email address

business data

Business Data: Protect Your Company From Data Spying

Ever since Snowden’s revelations, we’re all aware our digital data are not safe by default. The risk is not limited to states and governments. In particular, other companies may want to know certain confidential information


Harden Your Mailfence Account

Mailfence offers a secure and private collaborative suite, and all user accounts are protected through standard security and privacy measures (check our high-level security analysis for more information). However, as ever with any other digital


User data security, privacy, and anonymity

Security, privacy, and anonymity are three concepts crucial to Mailfence. Our email suite has been designed to take all three into account, making it a unique solution. We also believe each of them should be


Social Engineering: What is Scareware?

Scareware is a social engineering technique that aims to scare the victim into believing they have a virus on their device and should buy or download specific software. As many social engineering techniques. It’s based

email security mistakes

7 Biggest Email Security Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to email, there are plenty of email security mistakes that new users tend to make and that bad actors like hackers and scammers can abuse. However, even experienced users also can underestimate


Top 5 Ways To Prevent Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware is software developed to scramble infected computer systems, computers, tablets, or smartphones screen content or files so that data become unreadable. Hackers can then claim a ransom to unlock them. Last year, the number