Mailfence Release Notes May 2019

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We’re happy to present the Mailfence Release Notes May 2019 with several new features, improvements and fixes.

New Features

  • BETA release: Custom domain *: Add and manage E-mail domains.
  • BETA release: Administration Console *: Create and Manage users.
  • BETA release: Password Encryption Messages *: Send/receive end-to-end encrypted emails using a shared password.
    * Further improvements have been made since the beta release announcement.
  • ECC (Curve25519) algorithm is now supported for generating OpenPGP keypairs, encrypting and decrypting OpenPGP based end-to-end encrypted messages.

Improvements in Release Notes May 2019

  • Messages: SMTP Server: Client IP address is now stripped in outgoing messages.
  • Messages: OpenPGP encryption: “Sign and send” option has now been replaced with “Send” button when an encryption mode is selected (Preference: Sign all my emails with my public key).
  • Messages: Issue of automatic opening of the first message in search results has been fixed.
  • Messages: Auto-suggest: Selection improvements.
  • Messages: Message list panel: Size of the message can now be viewed.
  • Messages: IMAP Server: Fix for issue of SEARCH in message body.
  • Message attachments: PDF files in incoming messages can now be viewed directly in the browser.
  • Messages: ‘Display unread messages only’ option with select all enabled now shows the number of selected items.
  • Messages: Improvement of Out of office message configuration.
  • Messages: Clicking on Tag: Issue with replying or forwarding Tagged messages is fixed.
  • Messages: Improvement of Tag creation process in Safari browser.
  • Messages: ‘Out of office’ message default date picker is now set to the actual present date.
  • Messages: ActiveSync: iOS: Display names with comma’s of sender/receiver addresses now displays correctly.
  • Messages: IMAP Server: From sender address invalid@invalid issue has been fixed according to the specific needs of some IMAP clients.
  • Messages, Documents: iOS: Attachments or documents can now be downloaded.
  • Contacts: ActiveSync: Wrong birthday date sync issue for events created through web-interface is fixed.
  • Common: File upload: Process can now be cancelled by clicking on the Close sign.
  • Common: Search results: ‘Select all’ enabled now shows the number of selected items.
  • Common: Significant progress for UTF-8 transition across the web-app.
  • Subscription renewal notification will now be sent both to your primary Mailfence address and reset/notification address.
  • Various security improvements have been made as well.

Extra notes

  • Security bugs were fixed immediately after it got reported by Jens Müller. We thank him for notifying us.

Version for Release Notes May 2019

  • Frontend release 2.6.016a.

Check our previous Release Notes and feel free to report any found bugs/queries/suggestions to support (at)

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Picture of Arnaud


Arnaud is the co-founder and CEO of Mailfence. He's been a serial entrepreneur and startup investor since 1994 and launched several pioneering internet companies such as Rendez-vous, IP Netvertising or NetMonitor. He is regarded as the internet advertising pioneer of Belgium. You can follow Arnaud on this blog.

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