Mailfence Release Notes December 2019

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We’re happy to present the Mailfence Release Notes December 2019 with several new features, improvements, and fixes.

New Features

  • New Graphical User Interface.
  • New Message reading modes: You can now read incoming emails in ‘Filtered HTML’, ‘Filtered HTML without images’ and in ‘Text only mode’.

Improvements in Release Notes Dec 2019

  • Messages: ActiveSync: Changes are now reflected instantly (e.g., new message, read/unread, …).
  • Messages: ActiveSync: You will now receive an email notification upon hitting maximum limit of allowed ActiveSync devices.
  • Messages: IMAP: Changes are now reflected instantly (e.g., New message, Read/Unread, Move/Delete…).
  • Messages: IMAP: Connection issue with Geary (email client) has now been fixed.
  • Messages: SMTP: Connection issue with Geary (email client) has now been fixed.
  • Messages: Custom domain: Domain adding wizard: DNS split records for DKIM entry are now accepted as valid.
  • Messages: Custom domain: Issue with displaying domain list is now fixed.
  • Messages: Search: Indexation of message subjects has been improved.
  • Messages: Search: Results now being sorted in a uniform fashion.
  • Calendars: Layering: Selected calendars will now always be displayed, regardless of the highlighted calendar.
  • Calendar: Layered calendars: Displayed with a colored label set using the account default color.
  • Calendar: vCalendar: Missing vTimeZone definitions are now included in exported recurrent events.
  • Contacts: Issues with polish characters in vCard file import has now been solved.
  • Contacts: ActiveSync: Sync of multiple GSM numbers per contact is now supported.
  • Administration: Users: Issue with displaying user list right after adding custom domain is now fixed.
  • Group: IM: Renamed group will now display its current name.
  • Various security improvements have been made as well.

Extra notes

  • Security bugs were fixed immediately after it got reported by Bryan Galao.

Version for Release Notes Dec 2019

  • Backend release 4.7.016.

Check our previous Release Notes and feel free to report any found bugs/queries/suggestions to support (at)

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Picture of Arnaud


Arnaud is the co-founder and CEO of Mailfence. He's been a serial entrepreneur and startup investor since 1994 and launched several pioneering internet companies such as Rendez-vous, IP Netvertising or NetMonitor. He is regarded as the internet advertising pioneer of Belgium. You can follow Arnaud on this blog.

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