OpenPGP Email Summit hosted by Mailfence- October 20-21, 2018


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Mailfence will be hosting the 4th OpenPGP Email Summit

We are very happy and honoured to announce that Mailfence will be hosting the 4th OpenPGP Email Summit at its headquarters in Brussels. During this event, software developers and other IT experts specialized in OpenPGP email will meet to discuss technical details regarding email encryption using OpenPGP.

We are eager to welcome fellow enthusiasts involved in the development of email clients using OpenPGP for encryption.

The 4th OpenPGP Email Summit

The debates will target technical aspects, such as key servers, key discovery, subject encryption, password recovery, security/policies, etc. It is an open event and anything discussed during the event is public. Due to the technical orientation of the sessions, only experts accustomed with technical details regarding email encryption are likely to comprehend the discussions. Users with an interest in these subjects will probably be bored to death ;-). You will find more info about the event here.

You’re very welcome to join us if you are working in the area of

  • technical details
  • for sending encrypted emails
  • with OpenPGP
  • in a project or product

This summit is a great opportunity for experts working in this area to gain, share and exchange expertise on important topics concerning email security. Mailfence is happy to support the OpenPGP Email Summit and participate in any other initiative that contributes in making the Internet a more secure and open place for users from around the globe.

In case you have suggestions or ideas of topics that should be discussed, please feel free to contact us. Learn more about us on our press page.

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– Mailfence Team

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Picture of M Salman Nadeem

M Salman Nadeem

Salman works as an Information Security Analyst for Mailfence. His areas of interest include cryptography, security architecture and design, access control, and operations security. You can follow him on LinkedIn @mohammadsalmannadeem.

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