Mailfence Release Notes May 2024

Mailfence contact management system

We’re happy to present the Mailfence Release Notes for May 2024 with several improvements and fixes.

Release Notes: New Features

  • The reset/notification address can now be set independently from other addresses.
  • The display contact picture quality has been enhanced.
  • Admin console: Administrators can now view the quota and connections history of an account.


The Mailfence Release Notes for May 2024 include the following improvements:

  • Messages:
    • Fixed an issue with adding a sender address associated with an alias.
    • The whitelist function now applies correctly to POP3-based external addresses.
    • Improved error handling for virus scanning detection in email attachments.
    • Resolved the issue of incorrect date display when viewing an email in a new window.
    • Enhanced the handling of headers when forwarding emails.
    • Improved the handling of short domain addresses.
    • Optimized the process of downloading emails from an external POP3 server.
    • Enhanced UI operations related to the upload function for email attachments.
    • Improved the detection of no-reply addresses when emails are opened in their own windows.
    • Fixed the constant loading issue for OpenPGP signature validation on emails with mixed content.
  • Documents: Improved the UI for the document download process and icons.
  • General:
    • Improved the UX for Drag & Drop operations on folders.
    • Enhanced the handling of specific UI notifications in dark mode.
    • Implemented several other UI improvements.
    • Mobile App: Fixed an issue affecting the longevity of an authenticated session.

Extra comments regarding Mailfence Release Notes May 2024

Security Advisory: In response to a specific security issue enabling email spoofing highlighted on this page, Mailfence always DKIM signs the “Content-Type” header of all outgoing emails. To ensure our users are not affected by an additional (unsigned) Content-Type header being injected into an already DKIM-signed email (for email programs/MUAs that do not handle this case well), we have stopped using the “l=” tag. This change ensures the DKIM signature verifier verifies all parts of the email. If you are using a custom domain, we strongly recommend changing (creating a new DKIM keypair and validating it) your domain DKIM key to avoid potential exploitation of DKIM signatures made in the past.


  • Backend release 4.9.008d,
  • Frontend release 2.8.022.

Check our previous Mailfence Release Notes and feel free to report any found bugs/queries/suggestions, related to our Mailfence Release Notes May 2024 to support[at]mailfence[dot]com.

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