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Password Spraying Attacks: How Can You Protect Yourself in 2024?

password spraying

Password spraying attacks are an increasingly common cybersecurity threat. However, most people are unaware of what they are, and how they work. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about password spraying. We’ll explain how they work, how to detect if you are being attacked, and how to protect yourself in the […]

Plus Addressing: The Best Way to Track Spammers in 2024

plus addressing

Plus addressing is a fast, easy, and convenient way to manage your inbox and track spammers. Essentially, it allows you to use different versions of the same email address. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about this technique, including: … and a lot more! So without further ado, let’s explore. […]

OTP (One Time Password): The Best Way to Secure Your Accounts

what is OTP

If you’ve spent any time online, then you have surely come across an OTP or one time password. However, you might be confused as to what they are exactly. When should you use them? And what’s the difference between OTP, 2FA, MFA, and other similar terms? In this article, we will cover everything you need […]

Gmail Alternative in 2024: Is This the Best Private and Secure Option?

If you’re reading this post, you are probably looking for a Gmail alternative. And we don’t blame you! Privacy concerns, spam, the ever-growing influence of Big Tech companies… More and more people are deciding to leave Google products behind, and with good reason. In this guide, we will cover: Let’s get started! A Brief History […]

It’s Time You Find a Google Alternative. Here’s Where to Start.

Finding a Google alternative can seem like a daunting task. If you’re like most people, you probably use several Google products on a daily basis. There’s a good reason why so many people use Google products. They are cheap (sort of, we’ll come back to that later). They are interconnected, which increases your productivity. And […]

Will Big Tech Mark the End of Western Democracies?

big tech companies

You’ve definitely heard of the term Big Tech before. You may even have an idea of what it means. What you may not know is the threat it represents to our personal freedoms and democracies. In this article, we will dive deep into what Big Tech is, the problems these companies pose for our democracies, […]

10 Killer Ways to Protect Your Computer and Smartphone

In today’s world, it’s becoming increasingly important to know how to protect your computer and devices. Phishing attempts, ransomware, trojan horses … Cyber threats are becoming more present and more sophisticated. And without the right protection, you risk data theft, reputational damage, extortion, espionage… So in this guide, we have gathered the 10 best ways […]

Is Your Computer Infected with a Keylogger? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

keylogger icon

If you’ve found your way to this article, you are likely asking yourself one of these two questions: Luckily, we’ve got all the answers you are looking for and more! In this article, we will cover what keylogger and keystroke logging are, the different types of keyloggers, how to detect if your computer is infected, […]

What is Email Security? 9 Tips to Keep Your Email Secure

mailfence private and secure email feature

The importance of email security does not need to be proven. It is the reason why Europe established data privacy and security laws, leading to the well-known GDPR. A 2024 study showed that 94% of surveyed organizations had fallen victim to a phishing attack in the last 12 months! More shocking, ransomware attacks increased by […]

Send an Anonymous Email in 2024: Everything You Need to Know

Send an anonymous email or a private email? These terms are often used interchangeably. But do you know what they mean? In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know to send your first anonymous email. We’ll talk about the difference between an anonymous email and a private email, how to remove metadata […]