Mailfence disabled websupport for SSLv3 in response to the Poodle

More about Poodle You might have heard that Google discovered a 15 year old flaw in SSL 3.0, a security protocol that turns out isn’t quite as secure as originally thought SSL 3.0 could let remote attackers highjack Web browser sessions and gain access to personal data, like Web-based email. The flaw takes advantage of […]

Much stricter privacy laws to be expected in Europe

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The European Parliament has passed the EU’s first major change to its data protection legislation since 20 years.  Parliamentarians also voted for a resolution calling for the suspension of a key deal affecting U.S. web firms.  More information can be read in this article on GIGAOM. What will this new privacy law/regulation mean for users […]

How NSA and government spying favored cybercriminals

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Thousands of security professionals attended last month the annual conference organized by RSA Security, the security company which created the “public key cryptosystem”, i.e. RSA encryption, in order to sell their new equipment and discuss government spying. According to The Guardian, the 2014 edition differed from previous ones. This year, RSA had to defend itself […]

When the NSA bugs Facebook spying

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Glenn Greenwald, a political journalist, lawyer and blogger, worked with Edward Snowden on the revelations about the surveillance program of the American National Security Agency (NSA). He is the one who published the information gathered from Snowden’s documents in the British newspaper The Guardian. On his website The Intercept, Greenwald gives a list of spying […]