Mailfence Release Notes April 2016


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In order to offer the best of our services, we believe on updating. So, after the BETA launch of our end-to-end encryption and digital signing service, we are happy to announce our new Mailfence Release Notes.

New Features

  • The passphrase can now optionally be stored for a given duration
  • Key-pair expiration date can now be set or modified
  • Modification of the Passphrase is now available.
  • In Mailfence Documents tool you can store a backup of your revocation certificate


  • Improved key-generation process
  • The user can now choose which public key (if multiple ones) to send as an attachment
  • We improved the user interface of the key store management panel

Known Issues

  • Several key synchronization issues with public key servers remains
  • A number of interoperability issues remain
  • Some UI responsiveness in terms of interactivity and acknowledgement remain to be fixed


  • Applies to front end release 2.4.014

Generally we are working on updating this one. In addition we plan to come with a new release very soon.

Finally, feel free to report any found bugs, suggestions or questions to our support: support at mailfence dot com

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Picture of Arnaud


Arnaud is the co-founder and CEO of Mailfence. He's been a serial entrepreneur and startup investor since 1994 and launched several pioneering internet companies such as Rendez-vous, IP Netvertising or NetMonitor. He is regarded as the internet advertising pioneer of Belgium. You can follow Arnaud on this blog.

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